Monday 17 November 2014

Is The Rez Sisters Worth Studying In Scho

Yes.  The Rez Sisters by Thomson Highway gives great insight into the lives, and struggles of First Nations.  In the beginning, when the characters are first introduced, I found it hard to keep track of each character, and their purpose in the story.  However, as we got deeper into the play, Highway made messages, and purposes of characters extremely clear.
The use of language and profanity in The Rez Sisters makes the play, and the characters very relatable.  I personally believe the use of language makes the point Highway is trying to convey stronger.  We are teenagers, and when upset, or angry, we often use these words ourselves.
Not only was this play very entertaining, but it also gave us students insight into the lives of First Nations.  It shows us the struggles First Nations go through on a daily bases, allows us to understand the state of reserves, and also, the relationships (in this case the women) that takes place within the reserve.
Overall, I loved this play, and think it is definitely worth studying in school.

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